How to learn free python ?

Certainly, here are some of the most commonly used Python frameworks:

  1. Django:
    • A high-level web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It includes many built-in features such as an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), authentication system, and administrative interface.
  2. Flask:
    • A lightweight web framework that provides the essentials for building web applications. It’s flexible and gives developers more control over components and libraries they want to use.
  3. Pyramid:
    • A versatile web framework that allows developers to choose the components they need. It’s well-suited for both small and large applications and provides various choices for URL routing, authentication, and templating.
  4. FastAPI:
    • A modern, fast, and highly performant web framework for building APIs with Python. It leverages Python type hints for automatic validation and documentation of API endpoints.
  5. Tornado:
    • A web framework and asynchronous networking library that’s designed for handling long-lived connections and real-time applications, such as websockets.
  6. Bottle:
    • A micro web framework that is simple and lightweight. It’s a single-file framework that can be useful for small projects or prototypes.
  7. CherryPy:
    • An object-oriented web framework that provides an easy way to build web applications using Pythonic idioms.
  8. Web2py:
    • A full-stack web framework that comes with an integrated development environment (IDE), making it easier for developers to design, develop, and deploy web applications.
  9. Falcon:
    • A high-performance web framework optimized for building RESTful APIs. It’s designed for efficiency and speed.
  10. Hug:
    • A framework for building APIs with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. It aims to make API development straightforward and intuitive.

These frameworks offer various features and approaches to web development, catering to different needs and preferences. Developers often choose a framework based on the specific requirements of their projects and their familiarity with the framework’s design philosophy.

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